Thus, a non-violent or even non-hostile Crusader might still be a source of Gayngst for the sexual minority person. When the queer character responds to insults or other criticism against their sexuality by talking about their love for a partner, it usually is part of An Aesop where the Heteronormative Crusader is portrayed as the Noble Bigot who then learns to be more tolerant and gains an understanding of the queer character (the same can also happen for bisexual or celibate characters, for example, the priest talking about the role of faith in his life). After a person responds to criticism by talking about their love of their significant other it can also become a Kick the Dog situation if the Heteronormative Crusader continues with insults. Alternatively, he might respond with personal sympathy while nevertheless upholding his own ideals this would be the preferred option for an example who is also some sort of Principles Zealot or Knight Templar.
The trope can be Played With, for example in situations when a gay character is created only to be a one-dimensional walking Aesop about the importance of tolerance and diversity.
It can be subverted when the character thought to be a Heteronormative Crusader's actions are Bait-and-Switch, for example, the parent who disapproves strongly of their child's gay relationship but instead because they're concerned about the partner's criminal record, not gender.